[Unknown] SD RX-121-1 Gundam TR-1 [Hazel]

Universal Century (UC)

Here's another SD version of RX-121-1 Gundam TR-1 [Hazel] by an unknown modeler. The distinctive feature of Gundam Hazel is the shield booster, placed on each of its' arms when in Hazel's Assault Form. The shield booster is actually a propellant tank plus a thruster; when the propellant supply is exhausted the booster will be used as a shield instead of being discarded as how the usual propellant tank is.

It's a cool dual-purpose type of equipment, though one might doubt if it is a good idea to make your propellant tank as your shield. It's like using your car's gas tank as the front bumper.

This model comes with 12 pages of colored template, an optional shaded template, and photo instructions. You can download the template below.


  1. Yes when we click to download it show as
    Please tell us how we download it

  2. Once you click the download button on this page, you'll be directed to another page (ClkSh). There, check the "I'm not a robot" box & click continue. The page might pop up new tabs/windows - just ignore all that & you can just close those tabs. Back to the ClkSh page it will show "Your link is almost ready" - there's a 5 seconds countdown before you link appears. Click on the green "Get link" button. Hope this helps.

  3. Come to think of it, I better create a new section explaining on how to download the templates.


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