[Marine Corps] Sword Impulse Gundam


Gundam SEED Destiny - Cosmic Era (CE)


The ZGMF-X56S/β Sword Impulse Gundam is the Impulse equipped with the β Sword Silhouette pack. Analogous to the GAT-X105+AQM/E-X02 (that's really a mouthful) Sword Strike Gundam, the Sword Impulse was built as a close combat mobile suit. The Sword Silhouette, when docked to Impulse will change its armor color into red/black/white/yellow scheme. 

The prominent feature of Sword Impulse is, of course, the MMI-710, the huge pair of Excalibur anti-ship laser swords that are capable to split ships into halves. Not only that, the two swords can be joined at their hilts to form a large dual-bladed called the Ambidextrous Form, a la Darth's Maul dual-saber. Apart from the swords, Sword Impulse is also fitted with two RQM60 Flash Edge Beam Boomerangs. The V-shaped thingy on its backpack? Detached it and you got two boomerangs that emits a short beam blade at the end that you can throw at your enemy and will return to you. I am not an expert on boomerang design, but I still don't think that boomerang shape will work. 

This Sword Impulse papercraft is another work of Marine Corps with 18 pages of the non-colored template.
