[One Piece] SD MBF-P01-Re2AMATU Gundam Astray Gold Frame Amatsu Mina


The MBF-P01 Gundam Astray Gold Frame is one of the five identical mobile suits developed by Orb using stolen data from the Earth Alliance's (EA) G Project. In other words, Orb is the kind of kid in your class that offers to help you with your project but secretly copies your assignment. And when he was found out, he tries to destroy all the shreds of evidence. Unfortunately for the Orb because ZAFT's incursion into Heliopolis disrupt the project and not all of the joint-developed technology with EA has been able to be copied (stolen).

The Gold Frame carries the same type of weapons as its other prototype siblings, but it also shares the same type of armament as the GAT-X102 Duel Gundam. Similar to the Duel Gundam, the Gold Frame uses a physical shield for the defense that can be mounted on the left forearm or handheld. It also carries a 350mm "Gáe Bulg" Rail Bazooka that was originally developed for the Duel Gundam. It's the only unit that features both Earth Alliance and Orb hand plugs thus allowing it to use handheld weapons developed by both factions.

Apart from these features, the Gold Frame does not really stand out in terms of mobile suit capabilities. When Coordinator Rindo Gina Sahaku piloted the Gold Frame in Heliopolis he damaged the suit's right arm and discarded it. Later on, the Gold Frame's head was destroyed during a battle with the Red Frame. Upon returning to Earth, the heavily damaged Gold Frame was repaired and overhauled by the Morgenroete to become the Gundam Astray Gold Frame Amatsu.

This papercraft is not the original Gold Frame but I think it is the MBF-P01-Re2AMATU Gundam Astray Gold Frame Amatsu Mina based on its claw and pincer back-pack. The pincer thing is basically a charger clamp because it drains the electrical energy from the enemy mobile suits and uses it to charge the Gold Frame Amatsu Mina's battery. Tesla should invent similar technology. Lol. The papercraft is the work of One Piece which you can download below.
