[Paperinvaders] G1 Soundwave


Soundwave is my most favorite Decepticon—with his cool metallic monotone voice, his unwavering loyalty transcends anyone rallying with Megatron, and his strategic mind gives trouble to the Autobot's plans. He ranks as the Communication Officer of the Decepticons and transforms into a cassette recorder (because he is a comm. officer, so he turns into a radio, get it? Nevermind..).

He carries a squad of mini-cassettes in his chest compartment, which he can summon at will. This makes him a formidable foe; you wouldn't want to mess around with a Decepticon capable of summoning mini-Decepticons. Apart from being a master of puppets, Soundwave carries a Sonic Cannon and wields a multi-turret weapon on his shoulder.

This is a papercraft by paperinvaders, with only 7 pages of non-colored template. Click the download button below to get it.


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