[Gwi-jang] Zoid-Voltron Green Lion


The Voltron Lion Force is composed of five mighty robot lions that are color-coded conveniently so that you can easily recognize them. The pilots however have ignored the color scheme altogether and most wear uniforms that does not match the color of their lions (don't ask me why):-

  • Black Lion (Head/Torso) - piloted by Keith, the group leader that wears a red uniform.
  • Red Lion (Right Arm) -  piloted by Lance, Keith's right-hand man(pun intended) that wears a blue uniform.
  • Green Lion (Left Arm) - piloted by Pidge, the group nerd/genius. The only one who read the memo and wears the correct green uniform. He is the genius dude for a reason.
  • Blue Lion (Right Leg) - piloted by Sven, the original Blue Lion pilot that wears a black uniform.
  • Yellow Lion (Left Leg) - piloted by Hunk, the big guy with a soft heart that confuses the lion's color and decided to wear orange instead.

Princess Allura (Pink Ranger) took over from Sven as the Blue Lion's pilot after the latter suffers an injury when saving Lance from an attack from Witch Haggar. In the original Best King GoLion series, the Blue Lion pilot was killed in that attack and was given a hero burial. 

This papercraft is the template for the Green Lion, courtesy of Gwi-Jang. Click below to download the file.
