[Diego Cortes Prado] Regult


The Zentradi are the main antagonist in the Macross/Robotech TV series. They are a giant humanoid alien species that devoted their culture and lifestyle to warfare. All Zentradi exists for the sole purpose of serving in the military. They are depicted as cultureless being, which turns into their downfall as human's culture - song, emotion, friendship, and love becomes the key to end the Zentradi's campaign in Space War I. No, seriously, the petty humans defeated the Zentradi forces in the millions by using Min May's song. Macross is a space soap opera, and if you are not familiar with the series, just imagine Star Wars, but with someone singing in every 20 minutes.

The Zentradi ride to war in their Regult - a bi-pedal Battle Pods that are capable of operating in space or on a planet's surface. Its compact cockpit accommodates a single Zentradi soldier, which begs for a question itself. Zentradi are giants - about 10 meters tall (33 feet), while the Regult stands at 15 meters (49 feet). How a Zentradi can fit in into a Regult still puzzles me to this day.

The papercraft is fairly simple with only two pages of template, designed by Diego Cortes Prado. Click below to download.


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