[Wong Hidayat] Batman v Superman Batmobile


Many things can be said about Batman v Superman: The Dawn of Justice; some fans defended it and critics had a field day bashing every plothole in the movie. I like Ben Affleck as Batman. The idea of having an older, jaded mask vigilante is a cool concept. Wish that it has a better storyline though. What we can agree on is that Batfleck's Batmobile looks so sick! It is not too unconventional like the Tumbler nor its too flashy like Batkilmer's Batmobile. But it took the best out of the previous Batmobiles and becomes something that we are familiar with. It has the essence of a Batmobile. Why so? Because it is an interesting mashup of the sleek, long-hooded, streamlined body of Keaton's Batmobile and the plat-armored, military-grade, huge tires design of Bale's Tumbler. Though the design doesn't feel that original, you can appreciate the effort of maintaining the aesthetics of a Batmobile. Oh yeah, don't forget the high-powered twin .50 caliber machine guns just in front of the hood. Clearly, a bold statement that this Batman really loves his guns.

This awesome papercraft is the work of a talented Indonesian papercraft modeler, Wong Hidayat.

