[Artur "Raziel" Rożek] Lambda Shuttle


Our next starship of the Star Wars is the Lambda-class T-4a shuttle. The T-4a shuttle also known as the Lambda-class shuttle, Imperial Transport, or the Imperial Shuttle, was a multi-purpose transport used by the Galactic Empire during the Galactic Civil War. The shuttles were often used by high-ranking Imperial officers and dignitaries such as Darth Vader and Emperor Sheev Palpatine but were more commonly found ferrying stormtroopers or cargo. The Emperor's personal shuttle was easily identified by a grey stripe that ran down the front of its beak-like cockpit.

The distinct aspect of a Lambda shuttle is of course its three wings: the one tall, dorsal stabilizer that remained stationary, and the two lower articulated flanking wings. The Lambda shuttle is a well-armed vessel, equipped with two forward-facing double laser cannons, two forward-facing wing-mounted double cannons, and a retractable rear-mounted double laser cannon.

The papercraft model was designed by Artur "Raziel" Rożek with 18 pages of the template. For such a sophisticated template there's a lack of build photos for references.  So you'll have to make do with the photo instructions. You can download the template below.
