[SF Papercraft] Millennium Falcon II


Hi folks! We are taking another break from the mobile suit Gundams to another series of Star Wars papercraft. The theme this time around is the starships aka the starfighters aka the gunships of Star Wars. This is partly to commemorate the end of The Mandalorian season 2 which ended December last year. It's an awesome series by the way. The fans are tearing up with mixed feelings in the season finale - joy, sadness, nostalgia, hope. Yes, our wish and hope of getting a good Star Wars series are finally answered.

Let's get back to the topic and see what do we have here for the first papercraft model. 14 years after sharing the first Millennium Falcon template to the world, Shunichi Makino from SF Papercraft releases a new upgraded version of the prominent starship from Star Wars. You can check out the rest of his work at http://www7a.biglobe.ne.jp/sf-papercraft/.

The new version is larger and more refined with extra details. His design was based on the Empire Strike Back version of the Falcon, which is dissimilar to the one featured in A New Hope. The main difference would be the size of the cockpit, which appears to be smaller in width. The Millennium Falcon for the sequel movies follows the original model from A New Hope.

The papercraft only comes with 9 pages of the template and PDF instructions. It also comes with a stand, which is a nice addition. The template can be download below.
