[Unknown] SD RX-75 Guntank


Mobile Suit Gundam - Universal Century (UC)


It's been a while since we talked about the UC universe. This time around let's look into my favorite type of mobile suit - the grunt units. The RX-75 Guntank is a mobile suit prototype from the original Gundam series developed by the Earth Federation Forces for Operation V. Operation V is the Federation's weapon development program to counter the Zeon's threat. the result of the program is three prototype mobile suits: RX-75 Guntank, RX-77 Guncannon, and RX-78 Gundam. Similar to the other two prototypes, the Guntank is equipped with a Core Block System which houses the cockpit. The system allows the pilot to eject in the FF-X7 Core Fighter if the mobile suit is destroyed. Equipped with two shoulder cannons and missile launchers mounted on both its arms the Guntank is surely made for a long and medium-range operation.  It however has two major flaws due to its design; first of all, it can only be used for ground combat (obviously). And then the Core Block System being fitted in the torso made it unable to turn, thus making it difficult to aim cannons at the moving target. Imagine having to move the whole mobile suit just to shoot the enemy. I feel you, Hayato Kobayashi. 

Anyway, being a prototype, the Guntank will eventually be mass-produced as RX-75-4 Guntank Mass Production Type. As with other prototypes, the mass-produced Guntank lacks an advanced computer learning system and the elimination of the Core Block System. With the loss of the Core Block System the model can now swivel its upper torso, increasing its combat effectiveness. This papercraft is an SD version of the RX-75, designed by an Unknown modeler, based on the Guntank that appears in Mobile Suit Gundam: The 08th MS Team. Click below for the template.
